Our Services

  • general dentistry

    Proactive preventative dentistry effectively aims to avert the need for more expensive and invasive restorative dental procedures by minimising the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and premature tooth breakages or wear.

  • specialist orthodontics

    Orthodontic treatment aims to enhance the visual appeal and function of your smile. It is often recommended to begin orthodontic treatment as early as age 6. This can help prevent various issues that might otherwise require surgical correction in adulthood.

  • restorative dentistry

    Restorative dentistry plays a pivotal role in maintaining your oral health and function. It encompasses various procedures aimed at repairing and rejuvenating teeth that may be painful, damaged, decayed, or missing.

  • cosmetic dentistry

    Cosmetic dentistry offers elective procedures to enhance the aesthetic appeal of your smile. Through these treatments, we have the ability to transform the color, shape, size, alignment, and spacing of your teeth, creating a more visually pleasing and confident look.

Petersham Smiles…. there’s a place for everybody!